Support Litigation to End Male Genital Mutilation in the United States
Nearly all human rights movements in the past century were litigated on a state-by-state basis before they became nationwide rights for all Americans. That’s why I’ve partnered with Kane Law Firm to help states via litigation to expand their existing statutes that protect females from genital mutilation to protect all children from genital mutilation.
Sign the petition to end child genital mutilation in your state!

States under consideration for a constitutional challenge to end child genital mutilation:
- Colorado
- Delaware
- Illinois
- Maryland
- Oregon
- Rhode Island
If you (i) were circumcised as an infant/child in one of the above states; (ii) under the age of 27; and (iii) want to protect other children in your state from genital mutilation, please sign the petition below:
What is the goal of the Kane Law Firm's litigation efforts?
The goal of the Kane Law Firm's litigation efforts is to expand the statutes protecting children from genital mutilation to include all children, regardless of gender. They aim to challenge the constitutionality of anti-female genital mutilation statutes, arguing that they discriminate based on gender and should be expanded to protect all children.
Why is it important to expand the statutes protecting children from genital mutilation irrespective of gender?
There is overwhelming evidence that amputating the foreskin from infant boys results in incredible traumatic pain to the infant with a myriad of frequent physical and psychic complications, which range from blood loss and infection to occasional and wholly preventable death. It is also a medical fact that the foreskin is a normal, healthy, erogenous, and highly functional part of the human. Removing the foreskin—or any part of the genitals for that matter—is a violation of that individual’s right over his or her body and is easily deferred to a later time to respect each person’s right to make important decisions about his or her own body.
Why are the selected states (Colorado, Delaware, Illinois, Maryland, Oregon, Rhode Island) under consideration for the constitutional challenge?
These states enacted laws that prohibit female genital mutilation over 20 years ago. These states also have constitutional mandates that guarantee that state laws cannot prohibit on the basis of gender. As such, if you were circumcised after your state enacted the anti-female-genital-mutilation, you may have a claim that that statute is unconstitutional and must be modified to comply with your state’s constitutional guarantee that every law must protect the genders equally.
What should I do if I was circumcised as an infant/child in one of the selected states and want to protect other children?
If you were circumcised as an infant in one of the selected states, and you are under 27 years old, email Clopper at and let him know you would like to be a representative plaintiff for a constitutional challenge to your state’s laws that failed to protect you on the basis of your gender.
Can I receive email updates regarding the progress of the litigation?
Of course! Just provide your email above, and Clopper will email significant updates.
Is it possible to receive a call from Eric Clopper once the Kane Law Firm is ready to pursue litigation?
Yes! Click the radio button above and provide your phone number. Clopper will call the list once the litigation begins to discuss with you the goals of the litigation and see how you would like to help.
How can I help?
First things first, take the pledge above! That gives Clopper and the Kane Law Firm a way to reach you once we begin the litigation.
However, you may donate now to help get things going. All donations go to a separate bank account whose funds are used solely to forward litigation.
How can I help if I don’t have money?
Take the pledge above so you remain informed of these lawsuits.
You can assist in sharing content related to the lawsuits or reach out to local journalists, interests groups, or podcasters who are supportive of the mission to protect all children from genital mutilation and see if they would be willing to support Clopper and the Kane Law Firm by either publishing an article on the litigation or having Clopper or Brad Kane on their channel.